Google test assert

Assertions Reference | GoogleTest

This page lists the assertion macros provided by GoogleTest for verifying code behavior. To use them, include the header gtest/gtest.h .

GoogleTest – Google Testing and Mocking Framework

Using ASSERT and EXPECT in GoogleTest – Stack Overflow

c++ – Using ASSERT and EXPECT in GoogleTest – Stack Overflow

Use ASSERT when the condition must hold – if it doesn’t the test stops right there. Use this when the remainder of the test doesn’t have semantic meaning …

Google Test Quick Reference


* ASSERT_* yields a fatal failure and returns from the current function, while EXPECT_* yields a nonfatal failure, allowing the function to continue running.

A quick introduction to the Google C++ Testing Framework

IBM Developer

11.05.2010 — The Google test framework comes with a whole host of predefined assertions. There are two kinds of assertions—those with names beginning with …

More Assertions

Even though Google Test has a rich set of assertions, they can never be complete, as it’s impossible (nor a good idea) to anticipate all the scenarios a …

TotT: EXPECT vs. ASSERT – Google Testing Blog

Google Testing Blog: TotT: EXPECT vs. ASSERT

10.07.2008 — ASSERT: Fails fast, aborting the current function. EXPECT: Continues after the failure. As Moka the code monkey has shown Uni the testing robot, …

googletest – docs – – CERN GitLab

docs/ · e4717df71a4f45bf9f0ac88c6cd9846a0bc248dd · google / googletest · GitLab

16.09.2021 — to cause a compiler error. Assertion Placement. You can use assertions in any C++ function. In particular, it doesn’t have to be a method of the …

mirror of github google/googletest

Assertions in subroutines (custom assertions) – Google Groups

TEST(x) { ASSERT_FOO(some parameters here); … Assertions in Sub-routinessection

Partial Code Coverage in Google test for ASSERT and EXPECT

15.12.2021 — I have the following sample piece of code in google test project: TEST(methodName, testcase) { EXPECT_EQ(1, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(true); } …

Keywords: google test assert