Amazon twitter army was handpicked for

Document: Amazon Twitter Army Handpicked for “Sense of …

Document: Amazon Twitter Army Handpicked for “Sense of Humor”

31.03.2021 — Amazon’s Twitter Army Was Handpicked for “Great Sense of Humor,” Leaked Document Reveals. Amazon ambassadors were trained to defend Jeff …

Amazon ambassadors were trained to defend Jeff Bezos and clap back at Bernie Sanders under a program codenamed “Veritas.”

The Intercept on Twitter: “Amazon’s Twitter army was …

31.03.2021 — An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Intercept: Amazon’s small Twitter army of “ambassadors” was quietly conceived in 2018 under the …

Amazon’s Twitter Army Was Handpicked For ‘Great Sense of …

Amazon’s Twitter Army Was Handpicked For ‘Great Sense of Humor’ – Slashdot

01.04.2021 — Amazon representatives were prepared to shield Jeff Bezos and applaud back at Bernie Sanders under a program codenamed “Veritas.”

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Intercept: Amazon’s small Twitter army of “ambassadors” was quietly conceived in 2018 under the codename “Veritas,” which sought to train and dispatch select employees to the social media trenches to defend Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, according to an …

Amazon’s Twitter Army Was Handpicked For “Great Sense Of …

Amazon’s Twitter Army Was Handpicked For “Great Sense Of Humor,” Leaked Document Reveals – TechStory

31.03.2021 — A leaked document reveals how Amazon recruited a number of ambassadors to defend the online reputation of the company and its CEO, Jeff Bezos.

Amazon representatives were prepared to shield Jeff Bezos and applaud back at Bernie Sanders under a program codenamed “Veritas.”

Amazon Recruited Twitter Army to Defend Company and CEO …

Amazon Recruited Twitter Army to Defend Company and CEO Jeff Bezos, Leaked Document Reveals – IGN

31.03.2021 — It turns out Amazon has been recruiting real humans to be ambassadors since 2018 — but some of the newer accounts are fake. Handpicked for humor …

A leaked document reveals how Amazon recruited a number of ambassadors to defend the online reputation of the company and its CEO, Jeff Bezos.

In Amazon’s Twitter army, workers and bots have … – Input

AMAZON’S TWITTER ARMY WAS HANDPICKED FOR “GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR,” LEAKED DOCUMENT REVEALS Amazon ambassadors were trained to defend Jeff Bezos and clap…

AMAZON’S TWITTER ARMY WAS… – Candidates for Progress …

Document: Amazon Twitter Army Handpicked for “Sense of Humor”

Document:… – Top Vacation Destinations Get Flight Ready | Facebook

27.01.2022 — Amazon has shuttered an influence campaign in which employees were paid to tweet about how much they love the company.

Amazon has disbanded the Twitter army it paid to tweet about …

Amazon has disbanded the Twitter army it paid to tweet about how great Amazon is – The Verge

Amazon has shuttered an influence campaign in which employees were paid to tweet about how much they love the company. According to The Financial Times, top Amazon execs were unhappy with the scheme’s reach. The campaign was widely mocked and criticized.

No Pasaran: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis

No Pasaran: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis – Google Books

A collection written by a who’s who of antifascist researchers and theorists in the US, including Tal Lavin (Culture Warlords); Kim Kelly (Fight Like Hell), Hilary Moore (No Fascist USA!), and Daryle Lamont Jenkins (One People’s Project). ¡No Pasarán! is an anthology of antifascist writing that takes up the fight against white supremacy and the far-right from multiple angles. From the history of antifascism to today’s movement to identify, deplatform, and confront the right, and the ways an insurgent fascism is growing within capitalist democracies, a myriad of voices come together to shape the new face of antifascism in a moment of social and political flux.

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